2021 was a heartbreaking year for me, it was the year where she left me for someone else
and though i dont celebrate valentines day, cant help but feel lonely this year
and tho she left an aching wound in my heart
i still made this for her
advance happy birthday, my beloved
everyday didnt felt the same anymore since she left, i miss the feeling of someone waiting for you to wake up in the morning only to be greeted with cuddles by that special someone
(i hope i dont sound cringe, please let me know if i do)
(i'll be fine guys, dont worry)
(Happy valentines day for y'all)
(i'll try my best to move on)
- Ethan
Sorry to hear about that.It’s the same for me too so you’re not alone.Although I have spent my Valentine’s Day alone like I always do,there’s always the sense of loneliness that keeps following me everyday.It also doesn’t help that I’m getting a little too old to be starting a relationship and also that I never had much of a chance to interact with the opposite gender all these years.I hope things get better for you and stay strong!
EthanFirith (Updated )
thanks man, but yeah i hope you find the one for you one day, happy vday